Students at Kilbryde

13 March, 2020

Kilbryde Hospice was delighted to accept our first Foundation Apprenticeship student placements into Tony McGuinness Day Services. The partnership between Kilbryde and South Lanarkshire College has been in place for some years however this project was a first for foundation apprentices in health and social care. We would like to introduce you to Gemma and Hannah who will speak about their time at Kilbryde.

Gemma said;

“My experience of the Hospice has consisted of many wonderful memories that have taught me skills and many important themes and messages. The best part of this placement has been to watch everyone grow and develop their confidence as well as making friends and keeping in touch with each other once the programme has finished.

Creating conversation out of something that can be upsetting but ends up with some humour in the end has to be my ultimate favourite part as watching people who are struggling with an illness but are gaining some happiness and memories along with way.”

Hannah said;

“My experience at the Kilbryde Hospice throughout my placement has been exceptional. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and experience with staff, volunteers and patients. It has been wonderful to watch individual growth and confidence building, the chats and open nature the Day Services conduct are extremely beneficial for patients but also for any placement or volunteer role.

The hospice has greatly influenced my overall health care experience for the better. I have had the ability to observe and develop others as well as learn myself. I have had the amazing opportunity to develop my own skills especially leading on to my future career specifically with communication and mental capability.

I would recommend that schools and colleges encourage their students take part in placement or volunteer, the benefit of having experience is so important within healthcare but also in general with your own relatives or close family friends, I find that my awareness and compassion have been further developed which has had a huge positive impact.”

We also spoke with Katya Lamb, Course Leader Foundation Apprenticeships at South Lanarkshire College, who stated; “South Lanarkshire College have had such a wonderful experience placing students at Kilbryde Hospice. Gemma and Hannah are foundation apprenticeship students studying health and social care at school and college. Part of their learning involved a placement within a local setting and Kilbryde Hospice have been fabulous in giving the girls relevant and meaningful experience working alongside vulnerable service users living with life limiting illnesses. Both girls have blossomed in confidence, skill and experience and have had many opportunities to link theory to practice. We hope to continue to build our connections to Kilbryde Hospice by placing students again next year and hope they has as amazing an experience as Gemma and Hannah.”

Our Day Services staff were delighted to receive Gemma and Hannah in to their team are stated; “Both the girls from SLC came to the hospice very shy and quite reserved, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon, so did not have each other for support. Since attending every week, they have spent time learning to communicate with all our patients with a variety of life limiting illness and various communication difficulties. Both girls settled well, and now have the ability to join in all our activities, assist patients with quiz questions, essential paperwork completion and fitted into day services as part of the team. The staff, volunteers and patients have valued the input of young people to the programme.

This experience has been beneficial to both students to enhance their own communication skills, adding to CV for college and looking to pursue a volunteering role within the hospice in the future.”

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