Our Story, Mission and Vision

We are committed to providing  specialist palliative care for people with a life-limiting illness. We aim to add quality and meaning to their life.

Our Mission Statement

Kilbryde Hospice is a voluntary independent hospice which exists to provide compassionate, specialist palliative care to people with life limiting progressive illnesses and to their relatives and carers. Our services are free and available to those people with palliative care needs. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, faith, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age or financial means


We are committed to providing the specialist care of a highest standard for people with a life-limiting progressive illness, and aim to add quality and meaning to their life.

Our Aims

Aim 1
For each individual we will ensure compassionate care and support throughout their journey, recognising their individual choices and respecting their dignity.
Aim 2
We aim to create a therapeutic environment that is calm, relaxing and friendly, and which allows individuals and families comfort, privacy and dignity.
Aim 3
We respect the individuality of each person and offer the freedom to express and practice religious, spiritual, philosophical and cultural beliefs.
Aim 4
Care also extends to those people who are close to the patient, and into the bereavement period after the person has died.
Aim 5
We will work collaboratively with NHS Lanarkshire, Integrated Joint Boards of North and South Lanarkshire and other service providers in the development of localised palliative care services and to ensure responsive, seamless care.
Aim 6
We are committed to further development and improvement of our services through consultation with stakeholders.
Aim 7
We will recruit, train and develop our staff and volunteers to achieve continuous quality improvement in our provision of care.
Aim 8
We will manage our business model and resources proficiently to achieve sustainability over the long term.

Our Hospice staff and volunteers values

Acknowledging & promoting key values as an organisation has positive impacts on areas such as staff involvement, organisational commitment & job satisfaction. Our staff & volunteers worked as a group to draft our core values. Kilbryde Hospice works to ensure these core values are upheld within the organisation with the aim of leading to greater fulfilment at work.


Kilbryde Hospice operates a culture which promotes integrity, sincerity and openness from all staff and volunteers within the organisation.


Kilbryde Hospice operates a culture whereby all staff and volunteers treat each other, and all those connected with the Hospice, in a courteous, polite and considerate manner.


Kilbryde Hospice operates a culture which promotes a fair and objective attitude towards everyone, regardless of personal, cultural or ethnic views.


Kilbryde Hospice operates a culture whereby each member of staff or volunteer, demonstrates a moral responsibility and is accountable for the role they have been entrusted to fulfil within the organisation.

Kilbryde Hospice through the years

The Kilbryde Hospice Appeal was established in 2001 by Tony McGuinness and Dr John Richards to help tackle the lack of palliative care beds within South Lanarkshire. To date, Kilbryde Hospice provides specialist palliative care and support to patients and families of patients with life-limiting illnesses such as cancer, COPD, end stage heart disease, Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis.

The hospice currently provides CLAN ( Compassionate Lanarkshire), Day Services, In-Patient and Wellbeing services from our Hospice building which opened in 2015 at a cost of £4 million. Kilbryde Hospice’s  aim is to enable people to live life to the fullest until they die! Since its inception, Kilbryde has grown so much and we can’t wait to see what the future brings.

Have a look at our timeline below to see our story so far.

The Kilbryde Hospice Appeal” was established and officially registered as a charity in Scotland. The appeal was launched by Tony McGuinness and Dr John Richards and to tackle the lack of palliative care beds in South Lanarkshire.
We began providing Day Hospice Services from the Red Deer Centre in East Kilbride.
Our two-acre site on the grounds of Hairmyres Hospital was approved for us to construct a purpose built hospice.
The construction of Kilbryde Hospice began on the grounds of Hairmyres Hospital, our current site. The first sod was cut by Sir Alex Ferguson.
The Kilbryde Hospice building was completed at a cost of £4 million, all of which was raised through public fundraising. We began a phased approach to moving all of our services to our new building, including Drop-In, Day Services, CLAN ( Compassionate Lanarkshire) whilst preparing our In-Patient unit for its first patient.
The Tony McGuinness Day Services Unit was officially opened by Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.
We received the fantastic news that from April 2018, we would be receiving funding from South Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnership for our 12 beds in the Donna Mortimer Ballantyne In-Patient Unit.
On Monday 6th August, The Donna Mortimer Ballantyne In-Patient Unit at Kilbryde Hospice was officially opened by the Mortimer family. Donna was a Trustee of Kilbryde Hospice, worked tirelessly advocating and fundraising for a hospice to be built in South Lanarkshire. Donna lost her 9-year battle against malignant melanoma in 2011. Throughout her illness, Donna raised over £1 million for charity, giving up much of her precious time to help others she considered less fortunate.

Kilbryde Hospice relies heavily on your generous donations.

We have many easy ways to donate to our hospice. click the button below and we will guide you along the way.

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