Here you will find information about supporting individuals, families and healthcare professionals.
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Find out the many ways available to support the charity through fundraising events, advice and volunteering.
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Our Mission, Vision and Aims for the future of Kilbryde Hospice.
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We have been blessed with some beautiful weather over the last week and having enjoying some time out in the sun some of our patients expressed an interest in gardening. At Kilbryde Hospice we are very lucky to have a garden area which is south facing and which can be used by patients, their families and carers when visiting the hospice. At the moment we don’t have much of our landscaping completed, however we have had amazing support from local companies such as Carillion to help us create a tranquil outdoor space for those visiting the hospice. Carillion recently donated paint and helped to paint some of our garden furniture including our plant boxes.
After seeing Carillion working on our garden area and of course spurred on by the weather our patients asked if they could work on filling the planters with flowers. We loved this suggestion and immediately purchased soil and flowers. The patients who took part had previously been fond gardeners and spent the afternoon sharing memories with each other which was lovely to see! We now have some beautiful planters and flowers in the hospice so thank you to all of the patients who helped us to create some lovely displays for our garden!
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