Big Lottery grants £128,757 to our Care at Home services

5 April, 2017

Last week, we were delighted to welcome Lindsey Brown from the Big Lottery to Kilbryde Hospice following their decision to grant a fantastic £128,757 towards our Care at Home services. Our Chief Executive, Gordon McHugh, tells us the impact that this will have on our service:

“Funding to continue to pay for and develop our care services at Kilbryde Hospice presents many challenges ahead. The successful application to the Big Lottery Improving Lives Medium grant fund, clearly demonstrates the benefit of our care to the people we aim to support at home, and to innovate services in line with what people want. There is a huge opportunity ahead to really change people’s lives through greater access to palliative care locally and this lottery award will enable Kilbryde Hospice to continue to develop this service.

The money from the Big Lottery Fund will be released to us over two years. This will mean we can put in place additional resources for our care at home team to increase emotional, psychological and spiritual support for our patients as well as education and respite for carers through providing skilled at home volunteers.

This will provide carers with the skills to care for their loved one and will increase their confidence, improving their wellbeing, and reducing feelings of isolation”.

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