Here you will find information about supporting individuals, families and healthcare professionals.
If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please drop us an email at or call us on 01355 202020.
Find out the many ways available to support the charity through fundraising events, advice and volunteering.
If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please drop us an email at or call us on 01355 202020.
Our Mission, Vision and Aims for the future of Kilbryde Hospice.
If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please drop us an email at or call us on 01355 202020.
At Kilbryde our priority is always the health and wellbeing of hospice patients, service users, our volunteers and employees.
With the developing Coronavirus situation across the UK, we will be taking further sensible precautions to keep our highly vulnerable patients, relatives and volunteers as safe as possible – and to maintain critical services for as long as possible. We believe that the actions we are taking give the very best chance of achieving this, to ensure we can help as many people as possible in the coming weeks.
From Thursday 12 March the Government moved from the stage of containment to the delay phase. Due to this announcement Kilbryde Hospice will: –
• Operate restricted visiting times and access routes to the In-Patient Unit from Saturday 14 March 2020, 2pm – 3pm and 7pm – 8pm
Visits will be restricted to close family members during specific times, unless alternative arrangements are discussed and agreed with the Nurse-in-Charge or a member of the medical staff in advance. While we appreciate this is far from an ideal situation, we believe it is necessary to protect all concerned as best as possible.
Any changes to access routes will be advised at the time of your visit.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and patience throughout this ongoing situation.
Please look out for continued updates on our Website, Social Media platforms and via email.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and patience throughout this ongoing situation.
Please look out for continued updates on our Website, Social Media platforms and via email.
If you are an at home patient with concerns about your personal situation call 01355 202020 to speak to your nurse.
As the days and weeks progress our Business Continuity Team will be continuously risk assessing and taking further precautions to meet the needs of our patients, service users, visitors, volunteers and employees.
For more details on coronavirus, do check the NHS web page which includes:
· Symptoms to look out for
· How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus
· How to check if you need medical help
· How to self-isolate, if you’re asked to
NHS 111 or NHS Inform has an that can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do, if you feel you are experiencing any of the symptoms. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111 if you need to speak to someone.
Our information will be reviewed, and updates published regularly so please check our website for the latest details.
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Absolutely fantastic as usual from hospice staff. Got my call today about day services and glad they have made this decision as patients should be the priority aswell as the staff. I wish other people and companies used there initiative and follow this example.
Well done
That’s why I love this place