Here you will find information about supporting individuals, families and healthcare professionals.
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Find out the many ways available to support the charity through fundraising events, advice and volunteering.
If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please drop us an email at or call us on 01355 202020.
Our Mission, Vision and Aims for the future of Kilbryde Hospice.
If you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for please drop us an email at or call us on 01355 202020.
To protect our patients, volunteers and staff, who are continuing to ensure people receive the care they need, we must follow Public Health Scotland guidance. Unfortunately, this means Kilbryde Hospice has introduced restrictions on visiting the Hospice. We are all extremely sorry for any upset this may cause however we must do all we can to save lives and protect all our patients and staff at Kilbryde Hospice. Hospice senior nursing and medical staff are continually monitoring Scottish Government guidance and will respond accordingly. In addition to the following guidelines, Kilbryde Hospice staff will risk assess each individual patient and their situation.
Prior to visiting
• If you are displaying symptoms of Covid 19 or have tested positive please do not visit the Hospice until your period of self-isolation is complete
• Please call the Hospice on 01355 202020 to make arrangements in advance. Ask to speak to nurse in charge
• Do not arrive at Hospice unannounced
Visitors to all patients
All patients will be allowed 1-2 named visitors during their stay at the Hospice based on an individual risk assessment
All visiting will be between 2-6pm only
All visitors will be asked to wear personal protective equipment e.g. face masks, aprons and gloves
All visitors must practice social distancing from staff and other visitors.
Visitors will be asked to either leave the room or move 2 metres away from staff when they enter the room to provide or monitor care.
Patients with confirmed or suspected COVID 19
All of the above guidelines are likely to apply
Visitors of patients who are suspected or confirmed as having COVID-19 should call to speak to the nurse in charge to discuss options for visiting.
Nursing or medical staff are happy to provide updates on a patient’s condition via telephone at a convenient time. The Clinical Team are happy to support patients to keep in touch with those who are unable to visit via; phone / Face Time / WhatsApp on their own devices to maintain communication with their loved ones.
Updated 5/5/20
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