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Our Mission, Vision and Aims for the future of Kilbryde Hospice.
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Kilbryde Hospice is not only about to celebrate our in-patient unit’s first birthday, but also celebrating a ‘Good’ rating all round from Healthcare Improvement Scotland Inspectors.
The outcome of the unannounced inspection, which took place on the 18th and 19th June 2019, graded the hospice ‘Good’ from the 4 generic grading principles of Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, Good and Exceptional across different areas of the service.
Inspectors noted that the service proactively communicated with patients to make sure they, and where necessary families and carers, were involved in planning of their care. Care plans were centred on patients’ needs and preferences. Patients were kept up to date of any changes in their care or treatment.
The inspectors spoke with patients at length with patient comments of ‘Excellent care – nothing is a bother to them.’ ‘I could not ask for anything better – everyone is so kind.’
They praised that excellent community links had been established and the service had a number of ways of engaging with the community. Volunteers felt well supported by staff and other volunteers.
This inspection resulted in no recommendations with one requirement on better management of waste bins which was improved on the day of the inspection.
All of the services offered by the hospice are delivered free to meet the palliative care needs of people with a progressive, life-limiting illness across South Lanarkshire.
The hospice is home to the Donna Mortimer Ballantyne In-patient unit which has 12 single en-suite rooms that can cater for families to stay with their loved ones overnight. The day service named after hospice founder, Tony McGuinness, offers patients the opportunity to attend a 12-week enablement programme to help with their diagnosis and offer person centred support. The hospice also offers a wellbeing service including complementary therapies, Spiritual Care, Counselling, music therapy and carer support.
Kilbryde is also delighted that its Care at Home service is now expanding as a partnership project between Kilbryde, Strathcarron and St Andrew’s Hospices which aims to support vulnerable and isolated individuals and families in Lanarkshire affected by a life-limiting illness.
Hospice Chief Executive, Gordon McHugh said “this is our first year in delivering specialist inpatient palliative care at Kilbryde and the findings of the report reinforce the work that has been done by our excellent management team at the hospice and our colleagues within the Health and Social Care Partnership. It also confirms the care and dedication of all our staff and volunteers. The culture embedded across Kilbryde is one of continuous review and improvement to ensure that we do our very best to provide the highest quality of care.”
To read the full report, click here.
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