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Our Mission, Vision and Aims for the future of Kilbryde Hospice.
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Earlier in the week, we had the pleasure of welcoming everyone who contributed to the making of our fantastic new quilt to Kilbryde Hospice.
The Quirky Quilters have made us a fabulous quilt which now takes pride of place above the main entrance to Kilbryde Hospice. We think it perfectly describes the spirit of Kilbryde Hospice!
We would like to once again thank Margaret Beggs and the everyone from the Quirky Quilters; Mairi Burns of Lismore Longarm Quilting Service who kindly took care of the quilting; and Remnant Kings who supplied all of the materials used to make the quilt. We hope you all enjoyed visiting the hospice, and are as pleased with our quilt’s new home as we are!
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