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This policy will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes.
Kilbryde Hospice and it’s Management Team seeks excellence in all aspects of its healthcare and operational activities and views health and safety as an equal priority in its organisational activities. The Board and Senior Management Team seek to encourage a safe and healthy workplace through the management of health and safety risks arising from our activities. This includes the provision and maintenance of safe plant and equipment, involving staff and other stakeholders in decision making, encouraging the reporting of issues of concern, providing appropriate information, instruction, and supervision as well as the implementation of appropriate safeguarding to minimise the occurrence of work-related accidents and cases of ill health.
It is the policy of the Board, Senior Management Team and in my role as Chief Executive that our healthcare and operational activities are executed at all times by trained and competent persons to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of all its staff, students, patients, visitors, volunteers, contractors, partner companies/agencies and all other persons affected by Kilbryde activities. As far as is practicable Kilbryde will take steps to prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health and to where possible, apply appropriate learnings from incidents that occur. Kilbryde Hospice staff, students, visitors, contractors, volunteers, and partner companies/agencies are asked to share this commitment by complying with Kilbryde Hospice policies, procedures and guidance and to understand that in partnership with Kilbryde Hospice they have obligations to the health and safety of themselves, one another and others affected by their activities.
It is the responsibility of Kilbryde Hospice Directors, CEO, Senior Managers, Departmental Managers and Line Managers to ensure that health and safety is reflected in operational activities within their area of responsibility. This will include effective health and safety planning underpinned where appropriate with policies, procedures, risk assessments, training and/or as required use of personal protective equipment. Specialist advice on occupational health, safety and welfare matters are provided both through South Lanarkshire Council Occupational Health and Peninsula. The Board and Senior Management Team will support staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and partner companies/agencies to comply with relevant legislation and as far as practicable follow best practice. Where no standards exist, I encourage the appropriate Senior
Managers/Directors, Line Managers, Partnership Representatives and/or where appropriate partner companies/agencies to assist in developing systems which seek to comply with relevant standards including best practice in order to eliminate and/or reduce identified risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
Every person employed directly and/or indirectly by and/or on behalf of Kilbryde Hospice should take reasonable care for their own health and safety and the safety of other persons who may be affected by their decisions at work and to co-operate with Kilbryde Hospice Directors, Senior Management Team, and Line Managers to enable Kilbryde Hospice to comply with all relevant statutory duties. Full details of the organisational arrangements for health and safety are set out within the Kilbryde Hospice ‘Health and Safety Control Book’ and associated policy, procedures and guidance documents which underpin this policy statement.
I and the other members of the Board and Senior Management Team are committed to the implementation and maintenance of the highest standards of health, safety and welfare within Kilbryde Hospice and associated work settings. We encourage Kilbryde staff, students, visitors, contractors, volunteers, and partner companies/agencies to share this commitment and to work in partnership for the mutual benefit of persons likely to be affected by Kilbryde healthcare and operational activities.
Issued by Gordon McHugh, Chief Executive,
Kilbryde Hospice
(Version approved 7th September 2023, although subject to annual review, this statement will only be revised, re-issued and/or re-dated where material change(s) are made)
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