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The chaplaincy team hold Quiet Time on Wednesdays 11.15am and Thursdays 13.15pm in our Sanctuary. Yesterday Agnes one of our Chaplains gave a short ‘thought for the day’, followed by a short time for reflection.
Quiet time was moved into Day Service to encourage all patients, staff, and volunteers to get involved and celebrate. Agnes began with a poem and followed with a short story about the animals in harvest time.
Harvest is an annual event and celebrates food grown around the world. Every year Christian Aid celebrates food from a different country this year was Ethiopia.
Yesterday in Day services we celebrated Harvest with fruit, cocoa, and a themed music quiz encouraging everyone to sing-along.
Some patients began telling the group about the food shortages in their younger days and the first time seeing a banana!
After Agnes and the patients were finished quiet time the patients, staff, and volunteers got to enjoy the array of fruit and cocoa that was available. Everyone tucked in, from the bright yellow bananas to the ruby red strawberries!
Once everyone had indulged in the healthy goodies, Anna our Music therapist held a music quiz – food mentioned in songs and song titles.
My boy lollipop, sugar, boiled beef & carrots, pineapple pole, dance of the sugar plum fairy, one potato two potato three potato FOUR!
We finished off with a classic… ‘you cannae fling pieces oot twenty story flat’!
Everyone enjoyed getting involved and the group sang along.
The purpose of today’s quiet time was to encourage patients to increase their social interaction celebrate harvest and appreciate what foods we do have and to highlight the importance of giving but not expecting to receive in return.
“The one day we give but don’t expect to receive”
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